Fast for Living Wages

Raising the minimum wage is an issue that has received broad popular support throughout the nation. At the federal level, President Obama and many members of Congress have expressed support for an increase in the U.S. minimum wage to $10.10 per hour for most workers  via the Fair Minimum Wage Act. Though the federal bill has not passed, twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have all raised their minimum wage above the federal level. However, Indiana is one of the few states remaining whose minimum wage is still equal to the federal (bare) minimum wage of $7.25. Bills proposing an increase in Indiana’s minimum wage, currently set to mirror the federal level, failed to get a hearing in the 2015 session of the Indiana General Assembly.

As a demonstration of support for raising Indiana's minimum wage, fasters will be going without food, some for as long as 72.5 hours, the weekend of March 21, 2015. All ranges of participation are welcome in the Fast for Living Wages. If you can give up a single meal, that means a lot, as does fasting for the entire period.

#FastForLivingWages #RaiseTheWageIN #Forward Together

For the whole 72.5 hour fasters, that means starting the fast at noon EST on Friday, March 20. For all who can attend the people’s Assembly, you are invited to break the fast together at 12:30 p.m. EST on Monday, March 23. To commit to fasting with us, just send a message to Fran Quigley, [email protected], or go to the Raise the Wage Indiana page on Facebook and accept the invitation, here. We would love for you to share your reason for fasting and updates on your experiences during the fast. 

The Fast for Living Wages concludes with the Monday, March 23 People’s Assembly at the Indiana Statehouse at 11 a.m. EST and includes an inter-faith gathering of fasters on Sunday, March 22 at 2 p.m. EST at St. Monica Catholic Church, 6131 Michigan Road, Indianapolis.

Why do we demonstrate our support for raising the minimum wage through fasting? Here is what some participants have to say:

 “We are fasting because the three generations of our family need to make a decent wage for all their hard work.  Every family in Indiana deserves the same right.” 

– Ed and Val Fillenwarth

 “Christian fasting is more than denying ourselves food - it's a sacrificial and empathetic act before God. As Isaiah 58 tells us, fasting encourages humility, loosens the chains of injustice, unties the chords of the yoke, frees the oppressed, feeds the hungry, provides for the poor, and clothes the naked. This concept of fasting is a choice I make to show my human solidarity with the working poor as a Christian servant living for God.” 

– Terri Morris Downs

“Jesus once said to  his disciples, 'this kind of 'evil' can only be cast out by prayer and fasting.' I join with others in prayer and fasting to experience in some way solidarity with those who suffer the 'evil' of poverty and hunger and to work toward the elimination of this widespread evil. The Lord hears the cry of the poor…and so must we!” 

- Sister Norma Rocklage

 "I am fasting out of a Buddhist tradition to free my mind from greed, and to support low wage workers who ask for a living wage while being attacked again and again by some greedy elected officials who only favor the wealthy few." 

– Yin Min Kyi

Our small, temporary discomfort reminds us of the more significant struggles of the half-million Hoosiers who work for sub-poverty wages. We aim for our actions to remind Indiana lawmakers of their moral duty: to ensure that all workers can afford a roof over their families’ heads and food on their tables.

Thank you for your support for raising Indiana’s minimum wage!


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