Resources from the February IMM Meeting
Thanks to everyone that joined us at our February general meeting! In case you'd like a refresher or were not able to attend, below is the presentation on Indiana Moral Monday's social media tools. See you in March! - IMM
- IMM_SocialMedia_Presentation-reduced.pdf
IMM Organization Day Handout
Below is the Indiana Moral Mondays handout from Organization Day which details some of our positions on key issues in moving Indiana forward together.
- IMM-Org_Day_Handout_2.pdf
IMM Quiz Icebreaker
Here's some resources for those looking for some IMM icebreakers for your next meeting. Forward Together!
- IMM_Homework_Handout_12.pdf
- IMM_Homework_Handout_22.pdf
Resources from the January IMM Meeting
Thanks to everyone that joined us at our January general meeting! Below you will find a link to our meeting notes. See you in February! - IMM
- IMM_JANUARY_10th_2015_Meeting_Notes.docx
Resources from the December IMM Meeting
Resources from the December IMM Meeting:
- Indiana GA Committee Assignments
- IMM Issue Group Notes from November Meeting
- 2015 Legislative Slide Presentation
Resources from the November IMM Meeting
A huge thank you to the 80+ coalition partners that joined us for the IMM Mini-Retreat this weekend in Indianapolis. Together we were able to accomplish a lot and gain some fresh perspectives on organizing from our facilitator, David Hunt.
Through doing a collective power analysis, we were able to determine the people in the room could turnout over 1000 people a the Statehouse in 2 weeks time! Below you will find resources from our meeting. We hope to see you all at the next IMM event. Forward together!
Resources from the November IMM Meeting:
- David Hunt’s slide presentation - Organizing basics and choosing an issue
- Issues Selection Reading
- Issues Selection Checklist handout
- Biography of a legislator handout
- Power Analysis 1 & Power Analysis 2 handouts