Since 1970, government action has been instrumental in protecting air and water quality for the residents of Indiana. Regulations implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have been a key part of this. Our air and water are cleaner. Hundreds of thousands of premature deaths due to air pollution have been averted. The scourge of lead poisoning among children has been dramatically reduced.
Current proposals in the Indiana State legislature and in other States threaten to reverse these gains. House Bill 1351, proposed by Rep. David Wolkins (District 18), prohibits any new regulations not based on a federal requirement or specifically authorized by an existing state statute. Senate bill 249, proposed by Sen. Jean Leising (District 42), would prohibit a county, municipality, or township from adopting any ordinances or policies regulating confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Senate Joint Resolution 12 ("Right to Farm"), introduced by Sen. Brent Steele (District 44), proposes a constitutional amendment prohibiting regulations on farming and ranching practices, including those that could impact the environment. A previously proposed bill, HB Bill 1290, proposed by Rep. Chris Judy (District 83) and supported by three other legislators attempted to nullify EPA regulations in Indiana. An already existing executive order by Governor Pence, prohibits, with some exceptions, new environmental regulations.
These bills and actions are consistent with a nationwide attempt, by organizations such as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to undermine environmental regulation through actions at the state governmental level. These actions would also undermine the power of state governments to protect the safety, health and well-being of the residents of their states.
Although a reversal of environmental protections will adversely affect all Indiana residents, it will hit hardest those in minority and low-income communities who live with the poorest air and water quality in the State and may have greater existing health problems and less access to medical care.
Indiana Moral Mondays encourages all who care about the health and quality of life of the people of Indiana to oppose these proposed bills in the State legislature.
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